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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Jan 10 16:44:16 2017 @author: ichizo """ import datetime import sqlite3 import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.finance import candlestick_ohlc DB = 'usd_jpy_prices.db' FROMDATE = '20161201000000' TODATE = '20161201010000' DTYPE = '1min' def get_datas(): conn = sqlite3.connect(DB) sql = "SELECT datetime, open, high, low, close FROM onemin WHERE datetime >= '%s' AND datetime <= '%s';" % (FROMDATE, TODATE) datas = pd.io.sql.read_sql_query(sql, conn) conn.close() return datas def convert_datas(datas): datas['open'] = datas['open'].astype(float) datas['high'] = datas['high'].astype(float) datas['low'] = datas['low'].astype(float) datas['close'] = datas['close'].astype(float) if DTYPE == '1min': tmp = datas['datetime'].values.astype('datetime64[D]') datas['datetime'] = tmp.astype(float) return datas quotes_arr = [] tmp_open_price = 0 tmp_high_price = [] tmp_low_price = [] tmp_close_price = 0 count = 0 for loop, cDate in enumerate(datas['datetime']): isNext = False cDatetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(cDate, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if DTYPE == '5min' and cDatetime.minute % 5 == 0: isNext = True if DTYPE == '10min' and cDatetime.minute % 10 == 0: isNext = True if DTYPE == '30min' and cDatetime.minute % 30 == 0: isNext = True if DTYPE == '1hour' and cDatetime.minute == 0: isNext = True if DTYPE == '1day' and cDatetime.hour == 0: isNext = True if tmp_open_price == 0: tmp_open_price = datas['open'][loop] if isNext == True and loop != 0: data = [] data.append(cDate) data.append(tmp_open_price) data.append(max(tmp_high_price)) data.append(min(tmp_low_price)) data.append(tmp_close_price) pddata = pd.DataFrame([data]) pddata.columns = ["datetime", "open", "high", "low", "close"] pddata.index = [count] quotes_arr.append(pddata) tmp_open_price = datas['open'][loop] tmp_high_price = [] tmp_low_price = [] count += 1 tmp_high_price.append(datas['high'][loop]) tmp_low_price.append(datas['low'][loop]) tmp_close_price = datas['close'][loop] for idx, value in enumerate(quotes_arr): if idx == 0: quotes = quotes_arr[idx] else: quotes = pd.concat([quotes, value],axis=0) quotes['datetime'] = quotes['datetime'].astype(float) quotes['open'] = quotes['open'].astype(float) quotes['high'] = quotes['high'].astype(float) quotes['low'] = quotes['low'].astype(float) quotes['close'] = quotes['close'].astype(float) return quotes if __name__ == '__main__': datas = get_datas() datas = convert_datas(datas) plt.grid() ax = plt.subplot() candlestick_ohlc(ax, datas.values, width=200.0, colorup='#77d879', colordown='#db3f3f') #移動平均線 s = pd.Series(datas['close']) sma25 = s.rolling(window=25).mean() #sma5 = s.rolling(window=5).mean() #plt.plot(datas['datetime'], sma5) deviation = 2 sigma = s.rolling(window=25).std(ddof=0) #σの計算 upper_siguma = sma25 + sigma upper2_siguma = sma25 + sigma * deviation lower_siguma = sma25 - sigma lower2_siguma = sma25 - sigma * deviation plt.plot(datas['datetime'], sma25) plt.plot(datas['datetime'], upper_siguma) plt.plot(datas['datetime'], upper2_siguma) plt.plot(datas['datetime'], lower_siguma) plt.plot(datas['datetime'], lower2_siguma) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Price') plt.title('USD-JPY') plt.show() |
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deviation = 2 sigma = s.rolling(window=25).std(ddof=0) #σの計算 upper_siguma = sma25 + sigma upper2_siguma = sma25 + sigma * deviation lower_siguma = sma25 - sigma lower2_siguma = sma25 - sigma * deviation plt.plot(datas['datetime'], sma25) plt.plot(datas['datetime'], upper_siguma) plt.plot(datas['datetime'], upper2_siguma) plt.plot(datas['datetime'], lower_siguma) plt.plot(datas['datetime'], lower2_siguma) |
1 |
sigma = s.rolling(window=25).std(ddof=0) |